CISSOID, the leader in high temperature semiconductor solutions, introduced a new product in their PLANET family of high temperature transistors and switches. MARS is a High Temperature 30V Small-Signal P-channel MOSFET transistor suitable for long term reliable operation from -55°C up to +225°C. With its extreme temperature robustness, its input capacitance of only 14pF and its gate leakage limited to 400nA at 225°C, this 30V transistor is ideally suited for high temperature sensor interfaces such as piezoelectric sensor or to implement guard amplifiers. This logic-level P-MOSFET sources up to 310mA at 225°C and can be used to switch medium or high resistances, e.g. to convert a 3.3/5V logic signal to a high voltage open-source output with turn on/off times lower than 10ns. With the gate tied to the source, MARS can also perform as a 30V small current diode for high reliability at high temperature. MARS complements MERCURY (its N-Channel equivalent) for electronic engineers who need reliable, simple discrete analogue or digital circuits at high temperature such as pre-regulators, low-dropout regulators, level-shifters, CMOS switches or open source/drain logic on a bus. The product, referenced as CHT-SPMOS30 is now available in TO-39 Metal Can package for sampling and evaluation. Pricing starts at 129€ up to 200 units. For more information, visit or contact the company's representatives at