Chomerics Europe - a division of Parker Hannifin, has achieved ISO 14001: 2004 certification for its facility in Saint Ouen l'Aumone, France. The company's locations in High Wycombe, UK and Sadska, Czech Republic already have the important standard that addresses various aspects of environmental management. ISO 14001: 2004 maps out a framework that a company can follow to set-up an effective environmental management system. Benefits can include reduced cost of waste management, materials and energy savings, reduced distribution costs and an improved standing amongst customers and other external stakeholders. Commenting on the award of ISO 14001: 2004 for the Saint Ouen l'Aumone facility, Billy Sheedy, General Manager, Chomerics Division Europe, said: "Chomerics recognises the importance of safeguarding natural resources and takes its environmental impact responsibilities extremely seriously. Achieving this ISO certification that complements the same standard already secured for our other European manufacturing sites, underlines the company's commitment to making sure that our innovative products, that enable exciting new end products in a range of markets, are developed with sustainability and good environmental practice as a primary focus. Chomerics