CamSemi has published a unique online design resource that will prove invaluable for power supply design engineers in the consumer electronics sector who need to keep updated with all the latest efficiency, EMI and other technical performance standards affecting their designs. The company's ‘Standards Time' blog - at - has been specifically created to highlight the latest proposed changes to mandatory and voluntary regulations for power supplies and solid-state lighting products. For the first time designers can now visit one single online source for an overview spanning all the major organisations, whereas previously they needed time consuming and detailed searches of multiple sites. New blog entries are being regularly added and visitors can search by selected end application, look for specific energy-efficiency, EMI or other requirements, or click on links to download more detailed information. "Manufacturers and designers need to ensure their products fully comply with a growing number of national, regional and global standards but often find it difficult to keep up with all the latest announcements. Standards Time was originally developed for our own customers but has proved so successful that we decided to convert it into an online resource for the wider community," said Rob Mann, technical standards manager at CamSemi. In addition to compiling and writing CamSemi's new blog, Dr Mann is also an active contributor to several standards committees and advises on compliance.