Call for solutions to compete for the 2013 Orcell & Gulfstream Awards



The Ocean Exchange proudly announces the launch of its third annual global competition for the 2013 Gulfstream Navigator Award of $100,000 and the 2013 Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Orcelle Award of $100,000. The theme for the 2013 competition is LEAP TO ZERO+, the innovative practice of generating economic growth and increased productivity while reducing the use of natures' resources and waste. The Ocean Exchange is seeking innovative, proactive and globally scalable Solutions, i.e. Solutions Inspiring Action, that are positive for our oceans, economies, and cultures and that can leap across industries accelerating the timeline of reaching Zero+. Christopher Connor, Deputy CEO and Chief Commercial Officer for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics encourages all scientists, engineers, innovators and entrepreneurs to enter the competition. "Now is the time to share your knowledge and ideas, to help create the solutions that will move our world forward. The giant steps we're looking for might already be in your hands; apply to the Ocean Exchange so we can help you realize them." To enter the 2013 competition, register your solution in the Ocean Exchange Gallery by 11:59 p.m. (GMT) on May 1, 2013. Register by completing a pre-screening application through Beginning May 2, Ocean Exchange's international solutions review panel of multi-disciplinary experts will review all applications registered in the Gallery to select: Ten Solutions Inspiring Action to compete for Monetary Awards - these organizations, which are in need of financial support and global recognition, will be invited to present at the Solutions Exchange, September 30, 2013 in Savannah Georgia USA. At the Solutions Exchange invited delegates will select the winners of the $100,000 Gulfstream Navigator Award and the $100,000 Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Orcelle Award. Three Solutions Inspiring Action representing Excellence in Corporate Innovation - these Excellence Award winners will be invited to present their Solutions Inspiring Action at the opening of the Solutions Exchange on September 29, 2013. In 2013 the Ocean Exchange is introducing the Solution Inspiring Action Gallery that will become the go to resource for organizations to identify and connect with Solutions that can advance attainment of their social responsibility goals. In 2011 and 2012, the Ocean Exchange's competition generated applications from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East with six countries represented in our 2012 Solutions Inspiring Action winners. The Solution Exchange 2012 was attended by delegations from 16 countries with international press reaching from Savannah to Norway, Tokyo to Seattle. Previous winners: In 2011, The Wave Glider by Liquid Robotics won the $100,000 Gulfstream Navigator Award. This year Wave Gliders travelled unassisted from California to Japan and Australia, collecting ocean data and breaking the Guinness World Record for robots. The Wave Glider will soon be on display in the Smithsonian Museum. In 2012, the Ocean Exchange offered two $100,000 prizes: the Gulfstream® Navigator Award was won by Protei's Open Source Sailing Drone, and the Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics' Orcelle Award was won by the Nonox Ltd Emulsion Combustion System. In 2012, Industry Excellence Award winners were Georgia Institute of Technology, Golder & Associates, IKEA, and Southern Company.

The Ocean Exchange