The Call for Papers of Smart Systems Integration 2016 is now open. The event, which will take place in Munich, Germany from 9 – 10 March 2016, will be once again the key platform for the Smart Systems Integration industry to meet and discuss current issues. Deadline to submit abstracts is 5 October 2015.
The conference committee, led by Prof. Dr. Thomas Gessner, Fraunhofer Institute of Electronic Nanosystems (ENAS), Chemnitz, Germany, looks forward to receiving submissions in English on the following topics:
A. Applications
A01 Smart mobility
A02 Smart health
A03 Smart energy
A04 Smart society
A05 Smart production
B. Hardware/Technologies
B01 Design of smart integrated systems
B02 Manufacturing of embedded micro and nano systems
B03 Advanced micro and nano technologies
B04 New materials for nano structures and devices
B05 Smart low cost approaches: Roll-to-Roll technologies and printed functionalities
B06 Smart test and reliability of components and systems
B07 System integration: 3D integration, interconnect technologies and packaging
C. Software for smart integrated systems
C01 Embedded software
C02 Stand-alone application software
The conference addresses innovative smart systems, their manufacturing technologies as well as the international research work on smart technologies and materials. Special attention is paid to integration issues in order to guarantee reliability, safety and security of the systems.
Within the keynote sessions special focus is set on the two main topics "Hardware for the Internet of Things" and "Printed / stretchable and flexible electronics".
The Best Paper and Best Poster Award will be also awarded in 2016, each doped with a prize of 500 Euro.