Within the scope of an optimization of her existing structures, Kontron AG has awarded power supply specialist Bicker Elektronik GmbH from Donauwörth the status of a preferred supplier in the materials group power supplies". With this measure, Kontron AG recognizes Bicker Elektronik GmbH as preferred supplier due to her high level of professional competence and superior performance. For more than 15 years the two Bavarian industrial electronics companies have maintained a very close and trustful business relationship which has constantly been increased over the last few years. The decisive factors for this appointment as preferred supplier by Kontron AG, besides the many years of cooperation, can be attributed to the fact that at Bicker Elektronik greatest importance is attached to Service". The customers of the Donauwoerth company are offered a multitude of services regarding the products, such as sound advice, a technical support hotline, an in-house test lab as well as comprehensive storage facilities. Founded in 1994, Bicker Elektronik GmbH develops, manufactures and distributes power supplies and UPS systems. The product portfolio of the company focuses on high-quality power solutions for application in industrial automation, medical engineering, transportation, maritime environment, communication and information systems as well as infotainment and gaming. Besides conventional power supplies this also includes DC-DC converters and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) with DC or AC feed. The performance of these power products ranges from 3 watts to 10.000 watts. The company is TÜV-certified according to ISO 9001:2008. www.bicker.de