AVX Corporation, a leading manufacturer of advanced passive components and interconnect solutions, has developed a multilayer capacitor (MLC) chip with new dielectric and internal electrode materials in an 0603 case size. Designated the UQCS Series, the MLC chip features a fine-grained, high density, high purity dielectric material to keep out moisture, and includes an electrode system that has been optimized for high frequency performance and provides a much lower equivalent series resistance than in previous versions of RF capacitors. The UQCS Series MLC chips are ideal for RF/microwave applications ranging from 10 MHz to 4.2 GHz. "The new UQCS Series MLC chip exhibits significantly lower ESR values and higher series resonance values, making it ideal for applications with high current carrying capabilities and high quality factors," said Larry Eisenberger, AVX product manager. Applications such as microwave RF/IF amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, low noise amplifiers, and filter networks, as well as medical devices such as MRI coils, would all benefit from the UQCS Series' characteristics, according to Eisenberger. Available in 0603 sizes with voltages up to 250 VDC, the UQCS Series offers superior stability under the stresses of changing voltage, frequency, time and temperature. Pricing for the UQCS Series ranges from $0.05 to $0.40 in large quantity. Delivery is stock to eight weeks. For more information, contact AVX at One AVX Boulevard, Fountain Inn, S.C. 29644; by calling 864-967-9304; or on the Web at www.avx.com