April roundup of ESF research and events



RGGI Auction Indicates Renewed Northeast Carbon Market
Last month, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) held the first carbon allowance auction under the new Model Rule. Auction prices reached record levels and high market participation and allowance demand exhausted the 5 million allowance Cost Containment Reserve for 2014.

Select March ESF Research Articles
DOE Approves Jordan Cove LNG Export Project - read more

House and Senate Members Seek Wind PTC Extension - read more

House Passes Bill to Restrict EPA Authority on Power Plant Emissions Standards - read more

House Approves Energy Efficiency Bill - read more

ESF Calendar
Featured April Event:
AIPN 2014 Spring Conference: “Capital Formation in an Evolving Energy Industry”
April 27-29, 2014, Grand Hyatt Hotel Central Station, New York, NY - event link

The 2014 Spring Conference will examine the changing nature of methods and vehicles to fund energy investments throughout the value chain. New this year, the program will incorporate the role the financial sector plays in the effort to fund the increasingly daunting capital expenditures incurred by the E&P industry.

Conference topics will include: Investment bankers perspective on the capital market and investment environment for the industry; Shareholder activism in the energy industry; New challenges for co-venture arrangements; Project development risks for oil and gas companies; Private equity transactions; Energy reform in Mexico; Legislative and industry updates in US, Canada, France, Europe and UK; and more! Complete conference details and registration

Energy Solutions Forum