APEC 2014 call for industry session presentations



In 2004 APEC introduced the Special Presentation Sessions, now the Industry Sessions. Speakers were invited to make a presentation only without submitting a formal manuscript for the APEC Proceedings. These presentations are available through the APEC Web site. This allowed APEC to present information on current topics in power electronics from sources that would not otherwise present at APEC. The Industry Sessions run within the technical sessions as an alternative. These sessions have been very popular. The target audience for these sessions differs from the engineers in typical technical sessions and may include system engineers/architects and business-oriented people such as purchasing agents, information technologists, regulatory agencies, and other people who support the power electronics industry. APEC 2014 is seeking contributions for its Industry Sessions. Preferred Topics While APEC 2014 is most interested in practical presentations in the applied topics listed below, we will consider proposals on any topic that is of interest to the power electronics industry and its customers. (Please note that the Industry Sessions have changed for APEC 2014.): Automotive (Comfort Electronics, Entertainment, Powertrain & Drive, Safety Electronics) Communications (Basestations, Cellular Handsets, Energy Efficiency/Green, Switches, Standards, VOIP) Computing (Datacenters, Energy Efficiency/Green, Notebook/laptops, PCs, Power over Ethernet, Routers, Servers) Consumer (Appliances, Display Electronics, Entertainment) Industrial (Aerospace/Defense, Alternative Energy/Energy Harvesting, Elevators/Escalators, Factory Automation, Forklifts/Golf Carts, HVAC, Medical Electronics, Standards, Vending) Portable/Handheld Electronics (Cellular Handsets, Web Tablets, Energy Harvesting Lighting Technologies Tools, Testing and Instrumentation Nanotechnology Create a proposal for an industry session The time allowed for each presentation is approximately 20 minutes, plus 4-5 minutes for questions and discussion. Please plan your presentation proposal accordingly. To submit a proposal for an Industry Session at APEC, prepare a 2-3 page digest that provides a summary of the presentation content (address topic and target audience). Include a short professional biography of the speaker. The digest and biography should be formatted for American A sized paper (8.5 in. x 11 in.) with one inch margins on all sides. The preferred typefaces are Arial, Helvetica, Times or Times New Roman with a size of 12 points. The digest and speaker's biography should be combined into one file in Adobe PDF format. Submit an industry session proposal Upload your proposal PDF file online no later than Friday, August 30, 2013 (author registration required) APEC will notify you by email no later than Monday, October 14, 2013 that your proposal has been accepted or declined. Important notices -Speakers are required to register for APEC 2014 in accordance with APEC registration policies. -Speakers are required to be present at APEC 2014 to deliver their presentation in person. -Speakers are required to attend the complimentary speakers' breakfast on the morning of their presentation for final instructions. -Final presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint format are due at the APEC office no later than January 13, 2014. The fine print Selection of the presentations and assignment to presentation sessions is at the discretion of the APEC Committee. The emphasis will be on high quality presentations that present a diverse program. This means that some good presentation proposals may be declined. The decision of the committee is final. No manuscript is to be submitted or will be accepted. Accepted presentations will not qualify for submission to any IEEE Transactions. Presenters agree to permit APEC to publish their presentations in Adobe Acrobat format on the APEC Web site, on any of the sponsor's Web sites for any period of time. Presenters agree to make any changes requested by APEC or to withdraw their presentation. Presentations will be reviewed to ensure that objectives are met.