Anritsu A/S announced today the successful completion of the 2nd NFV Plugtests™ at an event organised by the European Telecommunications Standardisation Institute (ETSI) with the scope of validating and testing Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) interoperability.
The event was organized by the ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability and took place between January 15th and January 19th, 2018 in Sophia Antipolis, France at the ETSI Headquarters.
Anritsu participated with their MasterClaw™ vProbe VNF solution with the aim of validating multi-VIM and multi-VNF interoperability with commercial and open-source MANO and VIM/NFVI implementations.
Participants of the multi-vendor interoperability event included 19 VNF vendors, 12 MANO suppliers and 12 NFVI/VIM solutions. The Anritsu vProbe VNF registered a 100% success rate on the executed test cases, proving multi-vendor compatibility and progress towards a cloud-ready Service Assurance solution.
“In today’s fast moving networks ensuring interoperability and evolution to the cloud is a key CSP business objective. Anritsu believes these events help progress the industry towards the vision of the Telco Cloud and we are pleased to have taken part in it. Anritsu has also gained valuable insight into the progress made towards delivering a cloud native Service Assurance and identified areas for future development” stated Neil Tomlinson COO, Anritsu Service Assurance.
Part of Anritsu’s MasterClaw multi-dimensional Service Assurance solution, the MasterClaw vProbe is capable of passively monitoring NFV and SDN networks and services (vEPC, vIMS, vPCEF/PCRF, etc.) enabling use-cases such as network service troubleshooting, real-time service specific KPI monitoring, real-time streaming analytics and slice-and-dice multi-dimensional network analytics with the scope of improving Customer Experience.