Amantys brings Insight and performance monitoring to existing high-power IGBT systems



Amantys unviled the Amantys Power InsightTM Adapter, a fully engineered solution to add Insight data monitoring and observability to an IGBT Module-based power assembly. The Adapter is designed for use during the development and commissioning of new systems, allowing engineers to observe and analyze critical parameters such as temperature and voltage and to use this information to improve overall switching performance, drastically reducing the design cycle time. Also, where an existing system is suffering failure events, with the addition of an Amantys drive and adapter, fault and failure events can be observed and diagnosed to identify a solution to the problem much more quickly.

The Adapter sits between the host control system and the IGBT Module, interfacing with the IGBT gate driver to export key switching performance parameters from the heart of the power system. Combined with an Amantys Power Drive to control IGBT Modules, this will significantly shorten design times and reduce the need for costly re-engineering.

The Adapter receives Insight signals from the IGBT Gate Driver over the PWM isolation interface, allowing the host system to observe power switching performance in real-time and respond to changes in operation, environment, or to monitor faults that may occur.

Commenting on this announcement, Erwin Wolf, CEO at Amantys said: “We offer a unique monitoring solution to drive IGBT Modules through Amantys Power Insight. By deploying the Amantys Power Insight Adapter, our customers are now able to upgrade their system rapidly to observe and tune system performance at each stage of development, as well as through equipment commissioning and into operation. Eventually they may integrate the core of the adapter into a host system, but this introduction gives the flexibility to start monitoring the system straightaway.

“We already have this Adapter deployed in a number of systems, notably in locomotive traction, and we anticipate further demand in applications including wind turbine inverters, industrial drives, HVDC transmission and locomotive traction inverters. Customers are already gaining a better insight into their system during the commissioning stage of development, and this then leads to better operational performance.”
