Accelerating investment in industrial energy efficiency


American DG Energy stands to benefit

American DG Energy has said it will benefit from the recent White House Executive Order "Accelerate Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency." The goal of the Executive Order is to supply 40 GW of energy by 2020 from greater efficiency such as CHP (combined heat and power) systems. The Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency, in coordination with the National Economic Council, the Domestic Policy Council, the Council on Environmental Quality, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy, are to coordinate policies to encourage industrial efficiency investment to reduce costs for industrial users, improve U.S. competitiveness, create jobs, and reduce air pollution. They shall engage States, industrial companies, utility companies, and other stakeholders to accelerate this investment. The Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency released a companion report to the Order that presented the economic and environmental benefits of CHP. CEO of American DG Energy John Hatsopoulos, commented "We are most excited by the strong statement of support by the US government. The Executive Order re-enforces American DG Energy's On-Site Utility business and efficient technology." American DG Energy EPA CHP information