4A, Low EMI, B Compliant µModule Regulator Operates From Unregulated or Fluctuating 24V to 48V Input Supplies in Noisy Environments



NORWOOD, MA - Analog Devices announces the Power by Linear LTM4653, 58VIN step-down µModule Regulator. The LTM4653 can safely operate from unregulated or fluctuating 24V to 48V input supplies in noisy environments such as factory automation, industrial robotics, communication infrastructure and avionics systems. The LTM4653 integrates input and output filters in a package, enabling the device to meet the EN55022 Class B EMC standard for information technology equipment. The low EMI architecture makes it suitable for use in signal processing applications, including test and measurement, imaging and RF systems. The LTM4653 has the same architecture as the LTM4651, 58VIN, 4A inverting µModule regulator, so the combination of the LTM4651 and LTM4653 is ideal to generate a pair of positive and negative voltages in a system.

The output voltage is adjustable with one resistor from 0.5V to 94% of VIN. This wide output voltage range provides the versatility of using one product to generate common system bus voltages of 3.3V, 5V, 12V and 24V. The peak efficiency at 24VIN to 5VOUT is 92%. The LTM4653 delivers 4A of output current up to 70°C ambient at 48VIN to 5VOUT without a heat sink or airflow. Multiple devices can be paralleled for higher current applications. The switching frequency is adjustable by an external single resistor or can be synchronized to an external clock from 250kHz to 3MHz.

The LTM4653 houses a switching regulator controller, power switches, inductor and other supporting components in a 15mm x 9mm x 5.01mm BGA package. Only the bulk input and output filter capacitors are needed to complete the design.

The LTM4653 operating temperature range is –40°C to 125°C. For more information, visit http://www.analog.com/LTM4653.